Archives for posts with tag: life

I guess I’m a late bloomer because while some people back home started college right after 5th form/11th grade (which is the end of high school) myself and other decided to continue to do lower & upper 6th form /12th & 13th grade which was mostly for those who wanted a pre-college experience especially those who wanted to major in science and math when they got to college(kind a requirement for colleges back home) anyhow…

One reason I guess I am this way is because I didn’t have a money pool to go dive in when it came to school, I don’t know how my tuition was paid but it was and I’m grateful. So knowing that college tuition was triple the amount of hush school I was definitely not in a rush to get there or I planned to so part time and work. That’s been my plan…

Well let’s just say I found some hidden “treasure” and now I’m a junior in college, full-time BUT it came with a lot of baggage and it’s not going away for now until I’m done and got a job probably. Pretty much gained some stability to call myself completely independent.

Well I have to say I still am blooming and not in a advance stage which I’m not sure how to feel about it but it is what it is I guess.

So basically this is what it was saying, our parents pray for us and that is why we are safe and no harm comes our way. 

Your parents prayers are what keep you safe. And it’s boggled my mind. Maybe my prayers have been denied because of my mom. And I say this because I have been seeking death or more like asking death to find me and as I write is is apparent I am alive and for the most part well. 
I struggle to believe but I feel like i do believe then why I am in denial or why do I say I struggle. My mind is cray that is all. I wish I knew wth was going on. 
But it somehow kinda answered my question well one of them. 

saw this in a building at school…

1) seek to first understand then to be understood. 
The key to understanding is listening with the eyes and the heart.
2) put first things first. 
The key is not th prioritize your schedule but to schedule your priorities. Do the important things first-because where your headed is more important than how fast your going. 

I am not sure what to major in. 

I am not sure because people has always decided for me. And now as I realize it is MY life, then I am scared and I feel alone as if there no time for me to waste but I want to achieve something great. I feel like at my age I have accomplished nothing but maybe I have not opened the doors I could have. 

I am so lost in my thought. I am lost because there is a lot on my mind and I wish I could lay it on the table and just fix them but I do not know how to start.

There are things such as love and family relationships on my mind. 

I am passionate about math but I suck at it, 

Whatever i end up doing in life, I want it to be giving back to the world. It deserves it. I owe it to the world and those around me. 

Peace. Love. Care. LAUGHImage