A college kid with pressures from all angles
How can one not feel the need to excel in everything
Student council rep*
SGA rep*
Club president rep*

I mean if you are not ‘reppn’ something
What’s your life about?
What are you doing? If anything at all

But can you ‘rep’ without there being no award?
Can’t you be the helping hand from the shadows?
Does the world NEED to know you personally did it?
Or do you need the tittle?
The praise?!

I just wonder sometimes why people do the things they do
Is it for the recognition?
Is it for the feeling of personal accomplishment?
Is it to be known by someone special?
Or is it for those you do it for?

Truthfully: my first involvement was not done out of the kindness of my heart
BUT because of friends
I guess that’s a good peer pressure
Never took notice

Now: 5 years later
Wanting to reach out
Lend a helping hand
I struggle but not giving up

When you find your passion
It’s a great feeling
and a grand gesture to all

I see my colleagues
From the sidelines I watch
Some doing great thing
I congratulate
And others merely walk about
Chest puffed
Strong tittles
But make doing the work seem like a pain

That makes me question: what is your civic duty?

*rep – being the representative of a club or organization whether affiliated with your college or not and either on campus or off campus